Monday, April 19, 2010

Birthday Season 2010

I bet you’re wondering where I’ve been…..I we’ve been busy around these parts doing all sorts of things. March 7 marked the beginning  of our household birthday season 2010. As you can well imagine, there is always a birthday being celebrated in our house of 9. ;0) It’s been my plan to highlight the birthday child on his or her special day. So…well. you know how that goes. What the saying???? Best laid plans of mice and men….any who. I’m here doing it now because I feel bad for not having done so already and also because next week our house will celebrate the births of the twins , my beloved, my grandmother, two aunt and moi. All that in three days…followed by my sister on May 3.  But, enough of my rambling let’s get to the birthday boy. From birth sweet boy has been different. Not in the sense of having special needs, but having a knack for being gentle, patient, giving and loving. He truly would give you the shirt off his back this boy. Family Pics 2009 1117

He was born 11 months after his twin brothers who were born three months prematurely. Though the twins are fine now, in the beginning they had  a billion appointments and one twin seemed to always be crying. So as a baby, he spent a great deal of time being nurtured and loved by siblings and grandparents. Aside from nursing, he seemed to always be doing his own thing and patiently waiting. Waiting for his turn to nurse ( at the time I was nursing 4 of my own kids and wet nursing 1….in know…..CRAZZZZZYYYY )or be bathed or changed …etc. The key was patient. He always waited patiently. Fast forward a few years and his sweet  patient spirit remains. I look at him know and wonder what happened to the time. He’s ten and focused on finding God’s will for his life. Today he was asking me if I thought it would be okay if he moved my oldest son ( who is autistic) to his house once he has established himself somewhere, so that his Dad and myself can travel to some places alone for a change. Sweet huh???? 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is so sweet that he is thinking of Helping out with his brother so you can be childless what a sweet boy